BEO Golden Habits Challenge

Dec 23, 2024

 by Abby McCoid

In 2025, we’re going to clean up your diet, kickstart your metabolism, and clear your head. 

If you really want to change your life, you have to start by changing your habits. You become the things that you do. We want you to improve your life by doing the RIGHT things without thinking about them.

We’re going to do it together. Change is hard – we’re going to support you with coaching and accountability. Because that’s what we do at Beo.

This is the Beo Golden Habits Challenge.

These are the habits we’re going to focus on:

  1. 60 minutes of daily exercise and movement daily
  2. No alcohol 
  3. 7+ hours of quality sleep daily
  4. 4+ servings of protein daily

None of these habits will be easy at first and that’s why we’re going through it together. We can leverage the power of the group for accountability.

The biggest barrier to success is in our own heads. To help, we’ve added a buy-in and a reward.

The challenge costs $99. REGISTER HERE. The cost is there to get you coaching, but mostly to hold you accountable and make it worth doing. We take things more seriously when they cost. But you can do it! Bet on yourself. 

You’ll track your habits. Each day, you’ll record your success on a simple pen-and-ink tracking sheet. You’ll post this on your refrigerator, bathroom mirror or somewhere else in your home you’ll see it frequently.

Third, the prize: the BEO Golden Habits t-shirt. You can’t buy these: you have to earn them. You earn one by hitting 90% compliance (or checking 119 boxes) on your tracking sheet.

Fourth, the future: at the end of the challenge, you’ll sit down with Coach Abby, review your tracking sheet, and get your next steps.


When does this run?
January 6- February 7, 2025… 33 days

What results should I see by the end?
You’re probably going to lose a couple of pounds. You’ll definitely feel sharper. And you’ll gain resilience: you’ll have made it through something tough.
More importantly, though, you’ll have a great start at a habit that you might keep forever. You won’t change your life in 33 days. You don’t have to give up drinking alcohol forever. You’ll likely have days where you’re low on protein after this challenge. You might move a bit less. But if you do it for 33 days, you’ll be through the worst part, and then you can decide what to do next. Habits are second-nature and sustainable forever.

Why these habits?

Because these four are GOLDEN…big bang-for-your-buck habits that affect real change. I mean, we could ALSO eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, stay away from sugar and processed foods, take at least 8000 steps a day, control our stress, meditate, journal… Our results would be more dramatic but that’s a LOT. We’re going to start here. 

What support will you get?

You’ll get tips and knowledge from me, Coach Abby, through a private Facebook group. You’ll also get support from the other challenge participants. We want encouragement, praise for each other… maybe a little whining but not too much! We’re going to DO THIS THING.

Other questions? Shoot me an email at and I’ll answer them.

In the meantime, sign up here: Beo Golden Habits Challenge