For newcomers to CrossFit, it can feel like people here are speaking another language. AMRAP? EMOM? HSPU? Why all the abbreviations? Don’t worry—we’re here to make it easier to understand.
Here’s a quick guide to some of the most common terms and acronyms you’ll encounter at Beo and other CrossFit gyms.
AMRAP: "As Many Rounds (or Reps) As Possible" within a set timeframe. The goal is to maximize effort in a limited time.
EMOM: "Every Minute On the Minute." You’ll do a set number of reps at the start of each minute, using any remaining time for rest.
WOD: "Workout of the Day." This is the main workout assigned each day and can vary widely. At Beo, the WOD typically refers to the metcon (more on that below) portion of the workout.
Metcon: Short for "metabolic conditioning," metcons are high-intensity workouts designed to improve cardiovascular fitness and stamina. Expect a mix of intensity, length, and movements that change daily.
Chipper: A type of workout where you complete a set number of reps for each exercise before moving on. Here’s an example:
- 60 Calorie Row
- 50 Double Unders
- 40 Wall Balls
- 30 Push-Ups
- 20 Hang Cleans
- 10 Overhead Squats
- Kipping: A technique that uses momentum in pull-ups and handstand push-ups, allowing more reps with full range of motion, but in a more efficient way.
- Rx’d: "As prescribed," meaning you complete a workout as written without modifications. Most people "scale"; adjust workouts to fit their fitness level.
- Scaled: Adjusting a workout to fit your fitness level, abilities, or specific needs. Scaling lets athletes of all skill levels tackle the same workout while reaching an intensity and challenge that's right for them.
- Hero Workout: These are dedicated to fallen service members and are usually intense, challenging workouts.
- Benchmark Workouts: Standardized workouts to track progress over time. Examples like "Fran" and "Helen" are repeated periodically to measure improvement. Many benchmarks are named after women and are performed in CrossFit gyms worldwide.
- Pistol: A one-legged squat that requires serious balance and strength, making it an advanced CrossFit movement.
- PR: "Personal Record," marking your best performance in a specific lift or workout.
- DNF: "Did Not Finish," used if a workout can’t be completed.
- GPP: "General Physical Preparedness," referring to overall fitness and readiness for various challenges.
CrossFit also has abbreviations for many movements. Hey! It's tough to write it all on the whiteboard!
- HSPU: "Handstand Push-Up," an advanced bodyweight move that involves doing a push-up while upside down.
- MU: "Muscle-Up," a combination of a pull-up and dip, requiring significant strength.
- OHS: "Overhead Squat," where you squat with a barbell held overhead.
- AMSU: "Ab Mat Sit-Up," a sit-up variation using an Ab Mat for support.
This list isn’t exhaustive, but it’s a solid start! Your coach will explain everything in the pre-class briefing and answer any questions you have.
If you're just starting, welcome to Beo and the world of CrossFit! You're on your way to a stronger, fitter you!