The Secret to Fitness Success

Jul 3, 2024

 by Abby McCoid

The secret to getting results in your fitness isn’t the newest diet, the hardest or newest workout. The secret to improving your fitness, body composition and health is momentum- doing a little bit, every day-day after day and not stopping. 

You’ll be sore after one workout and notice a bit of a change after ten. But after a hundred workouts? You’ll be a different person.

Exercise has a cumulative effect and being consistent is hard. So at Beo, we help you build consistency (showing up and exercising regularly) in a way that makes exercise a natural, easy part of your life (momentum)!

  1. We start with proper onboarding: teaching, assessing, acclimating. Onboarding sets you up for ongoing success.
  2. We talk about nutrition. Changing how/what you eat in small, sustainable ways you can continue day after day will have better results than a big nutrition overhaul that only lasts a short time. 
  3. We make the workouts fun and challenging. You’ll want to show up, because you’ll never get bored.
  4. We change your workouts, your program and your nutrition plan regularly, so you don’t hit plateaus.
  5. We focus on doing one thing, every day, to improve your health.

Here’s the beauty of momentum and consistency- it gets easier over time. The more fit you get, the more you want to show up. As you gain lean muscle and lose body fat, your results compound. You want to work out- it’s second nature. You’ll feel good, have more energy and actually get excited to come to the gym.

As you get stronger and more fit, you’ll start asking yourself, “What else can I do?” You’ll find new levels of capability and ways to impress yourself!

This is what momentum means: small habits create small wins, which creates enthusiasm for your fitness. And when you love this stuff, it’s easy. And when it’s easy, you get more results, even faster…

What are you doing to build momentum? Let us help!