How Quickly will I see Results? Part 2

Apr 12, 2024

 by Abby McCoid

Let’s talk a little more about fat loss and muscle gain and the rate at which that might happen for different people. 

First of all, it’s super important to know that fat loss isn’t a linear process– it can vary from day to day and week to week. If you’re a person who is used to weighing themselves consistently, you know this. It’s not uncommon to be up 5 pounds one day and down again a couple of days later. That’s why paying attention to over- all trends is important rather than freaking out over a one day change. 

In addition, we need to be mindful of the fact that initial fat loss happens quickly and in bigger quantities at the beginning, especially for folks who are “untrained”; are just starting to work out and pay attention to their nutrition and/or people with a lot of weight to lose. As progress is made, the rate of fat loss will slow down and that’s completely normal and expected.

The same goes for muscle gain; folks new to strength and overall fitness training should expect to see progress more quickly than someone who has been training for years. We call that “newbie gains” and it’s fun to see! After years of training, that rate slows down but doesn’t stop. 

Let’s take a look at what can slow down or hinder fat loss and muscle gain:

  • Calorie intake is a big one– if we’re not in a deficit, not consuming less than we use, we won’t lose fat.
  • Diet quality– a diet high in easy to overeat, processed foods will naturally cause us to eat more calories. 
  • Overall nutrient make-up– a high-protein diet with plenty of fiber will cause the body to build more lean muscle. It will also aid in fat loss because we’ll stay fuller longer and not crave micronutrients that might be missing from a more processed diet. 
  • Sleep quantity and quality– tired people eat more food and tend to crave more “junk” food than well-rested folks. They also have less energy and motivation to get that workout in and maximize their workouts. 
  • Poor stress management– poor reactions to life stressors mess with hormones and sleep which in turn slows fat loss and muscle gain. We all have stress, the key is to manage it correctly. Try not to allow things you cannot control to keep your attention and worry. Say no more often. Plan breaks and “you” time. 


It is important to note that these lists are not exhaustive, but they provide a good starting point to understand how various factors can impact an individual’s progress. Additionally, it is crucial to consider other life circumstances that may affect progress, such as changes in profession, holidays, vacations, or family health issues.

This isn’t an exhaustive list but it’s a good starting point to understand how you might progress in your fitness journey. 

If you’re ready to make a positive change in your life- we can help. Get started here and we’ll chat about what that will look like for you!